About Us
To provide a supportive and challenging environment where students can excel academically, socially, and personally.
About Us
Christian Life Frankston was founded about 35 years ago by the late Ivor Marshall. Ivor had led a number of people to the Lord and was associated with Life Centre Ministries. Life Centre Ministries was founded by the late Reverend Jack Lockwood in South Africa. Life Centre Ministries grew to be a world wide fellowship. Reverend Lockwood visited Australia. He saw that Ivor had spiritual gifts and was an effective leader and elder in the Body of Christ. Reverend Lockwood appointed Ivor Pastor of the informal group that Ivor had led to the Lord.
Who We are
Ivor P Marshall (centre)
Rev. Jack Lockwood (right)
Over the years, the ministry experienced a number of changes. Most of the initial fellowship moved on. For a time, the internet was the main focus of the ministry. Ivor was quick to see the potential of the rudimentary social media of the early days of the internet. The "Christian Life" website was started in the late 1990's. Many lives were touched and some people moved to Frankston to join the fellowship, a home-based small group. Ivor went to be with the Lord in 2011. Two of the original fellowship remain. The Lord led us to start a new outreach, which included street witnessing and preaching. We used a rented room from time to time. We saw some miraculous healings and some people were born again. That stage has passed and now we are led to offer bible teaching and counselling, operating from our leased premises at 31 Beach Street Frankston.
Peter retired in 2015 after 50 years in the workforce. He was born again in 1971. God called him to be a teacher/pastor. Peter wrestled with many problems and knows well the grace and mercy of God that enables us to overcome. Peter has studied a great deal, but he knows that it is more important to have a vital relationship with the risen Lord Jesus and our heavenly Father. The teacher must know by experience what he needs to communicate. Otherwise, all he can do is present the “letter that kills”. Without the anointing of the Holy Spirit, there is no power to touch the heart of the student. Peter has come to know Lord Jesus as his very life and draws on the life of Christ continually. Peter is not exempt from the various trials and tribulations that all who are of God must endure.
Rosemarie is a key member of the Christian Life Frankston team. She is a prayer warrior, she has spiritual gifts of great value to the work and she is a great encouragement to Peter.
Rosemarie suffered from a number of problems before she came to know the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus has set Rosemarie free from the effects of drugs and alcohol. Rosemarie had some bad experiences when travelling. Those painful experiences left their mark on her soul and she has experienced much inner healing.
Rosemarie also has experienced freedom from smoking as well as experiencing God’s healing power. She suffered spinal curvature, which was healed instantly. Rosemarie’s emotional problems caused her to overeat. She was also delivered from that bondage by the power of God.
Another deep seated problem for Rosemarie was unforgiveness. The Lord Jesus has set Rosemarie free from unforgiveness and shown her the keys to remaining free.
Rosemarie was born again in 1983. She was attending a Christian Life home meeting at the time. The group met in Karingal. The truth of the gospel penetrated her dull, oppressed heart, and brought her to true repentance and trust in the Lord Jesus as her savior and Lord.
Since the time that Rosemarie was born again, God has led her in many joyful ways, and through many experiences that have taught her the ways of God. She was blessed with a wonderful Christian husband, who has now gone to be with the Lord.
Rosemarie worked as a nurse for many years. Her other occupations included clerical, sales and food handling. Rosemarie is retired from secular work and is active in working for the Kingdom of God.
We envision a world where every student is equipped with the knowledge, skills, and character to succeed in a rapidly changing global society.
Our Vision
With the plethora of resources available to Christians, you may wonder why another resource is needed. There are countless books, you can find limitless Christian material on the internet and there are countless sermons preached Sunday by Sunday. That's even before you get to TV and the Christian channels. However, God calls us and we obey. One would think that with so much information available, the body of Christ would be full of life, a shining light to the world and fully united in love. Yet there are about 40,000 denominations, despite the fact that the bible calls denominationalism "carnal". Division among the saints is catastrophic and robs us of the unity that brings about God's blessing (Psalm 133).
The Lord Jesus is coming back for a glorious Church, not a motley crew holding on grimly until Jesus returns. If you share our vision you may want to know more. You are welcome to contact us so that we can better explain our vision.
The school does not have an “open door” policy. Requests to attend are not automatically granted. Places are limited.There is no cost to attend.
As we are not a recognised educational facility we do not offer any formal qualifications. We will supply a certificate of completion for those who finish the various sections of the curriculum.
One great limitation of much preaching and teaching is the lack of interaction with the listeners. The Christian Life Bible school is different. For a start, the emphasis is on “Life”, not doctrine. Those who attend are encouraged to ask questions and be much more than passive listeners. The gospel is far more than a “get out of hell free” card. The true gospel relates to the Kingdom of God. We seek to encourage believers to walk the narrow path that leads to life.
We are convinced from the Word of God that every individual believer has a part in the body of Christ. We also know that the purpose of the ministry gifts (Apostles, Prophets, Evanglists, Teachers and Pastors) is to equip the saints for the work of ministry. Not all are saints are called to be teachers but all should know the Word of God well enough to encourage other brethren. All should be able to lead a sinner to Christ. All Christians should be developing a deeper relationship with their Lord Jesus. The Christian life is not striving in the power of self but it is most active in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We seek to build up Christians to the point where they come to the knowledge of the truth, where they live in unity of the Holy Spirit and live by the law of love for one another.
We are not interested in starting another denomination. Denominations are unbiblical and an admission that much of the the Church generally has failed in obeying the great commission. Lord Jesus told His followers to make disciples, not just converts. The school is intended to help Christians know who they are in Christ, what it means to be a disciple and how to live in victory.
Inspiring Excellence, Shaping Futures